Orchestrating Urban Harmony: Orchard Willow

At Premiere Systems, we understand the importance of creating intelligent living spaces that not only enhance daily life but also harmonize with the surrounding environment. Through innovative smart home technology and meticulous attention to detail, we strive to elevate the way homeowners interact with their homes, creating spaces that inspire and delight for years to come.

In the heart of a bustling urban neighborhood, the Orchard Willow Residence stands as a testament to the seamless integration of nature and privacy within a dense urban landscape. Situated amidst single-family residential lots and neighboring an elementary school, the homeowners saw an opportunity to forge a symbiotic relationship with their surroundings, leveraging thoughtful design and smart home technology to create a sanctuary within the city.

Working closely with the school, the homeowners initiated improvements to the adjacent parking area and playground, transforming it into a safe and inviting space for the entire neighborhood to enjoy. This collaborative effort effectively created a new public park, demonstrating the power of community engagement and shared spaces.

Privacy was paramount in the design of the residence, achieved through innovative architectural elements and strategic landscaping. By eliminating the conventional basement and setting the first floor directly at natural grade, the home maintains a sense of connection to the surrounding landscape while ensuring complete visual privacy within the garden. Smart home technology seamlessly integrates with the design, allowing for flexible living spaces that blur the lines between indoors and outdoors.

The distinction between public and private spaces is further emphasized through a thoughtful selection of materials and finishes. At ground level, natural materials weather and patina over time, embracing the changing seasons and evolving with the environment. As one ascends to the upper floors, a shift in material palette creates a sense of intimacy and seclusion, offering respite from the bustling cityscape while framing distant views of the Chicago skyline.

Recognition: MCA Chairman’s Award for Residential
Architect/Interiors: Wheeler Kearns Architects
Contractor: Norcon
Photography: Hall + Merrick


Lakeview Penthouse


A Symphony of Smart Living